⚽️ Tryouts are Thursday, January 6th, through Tuesday January 11th, at Adams Stadium (including Saturday). Boy’s should arrive at Adams stadium as soon as class ends
Boy’s tryouts after school until 3:30
Girls 3:30-5:30
⚽️ Sign up for tryouts by 12/17. This form will be used by coaches to identify the player and determine their eligibility….. Complete the form here
⚽️ Mandatory Player Information through DragonFly Max must be filled out by 12/31 (click here). Required is a current physical, insurance information, etc. Please complete all pages.. If any information is missing, the player may not participate during tryouts
⚽️ Provide your own transportation to and from tryouts. If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Newmyer at Tricia_Newmyer@dekalbschoolsga.org
⚽️ ALL student athletes 9-12 grades plan to attend tryouts everyday unless otherwise communicated.
⚽️ Bring your own water and cleats, and be ready to play!